Student housing near University of South Carolina comes with nearly every amenity you can think of. You’ll get access to a pool, gym, barbecue area and other features that make you feel like you’re living in a hotel. There’s just one major difference: student apartments don’t come with room service. You and your roommates will be responsible for keeping your apartment clean for the duration of your term.
What Are Some Chores You Can Expect?
When you and your roommates first move in, consider meeting up and dividing up the chores amongst each other. Here’s some of the chores you can expect when you’re living in a student apartment:
- Sweeping and vacuuming. This might not sound important, but dirt and grime can build up on the floors if they’re not cleaned properly.
- Cleaning the kitchen. This might include cleaning the sink, wiping stains and sticky spots off the counters, cleaning the oven and throwing out expired food in the fridge.
- Cleaning the bathrooms. This could include cleaning the sinks, toilets and bathtubs.
- Going grocery shopping. You can go shopping individually, but it might be easier if one person buys the food, toiletries and cleaning supplies.
- Cleaning the bedrooms. To make it easy, each person can be responsible for cleaning their own living space.
Contact Riverside to find more information about student housing near University of South Carolina. To learn more about the student life, try following the apartment on social media.